Ecstasy: The Unplanned Addiction
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MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) goes by many names, including molly, ecstasy, E, and X or XTC.
Despite becoming illegal in 1988, MDMA gained popularity in the US during the late 1980s and early 1990s. The synthetic (man-made) party drug found its popularity at all-night raves, but the allure of emotional warmth and feelings of increased energy soon caught on with a broader range of users. Chemically, it’s comparable to hallucinogens and stimulants, but it’s different too because it produces feelings of pleasure, while distorting the senses and time perception.
Unfortunately, MDMA abuse is dangerous and addictive. It increases three neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Your brain will attempt to adjust to the MDMA abuse and begin blocking these neurotransmitters or it will produce less of them. The result is tolerance and dependence¦otherwise known as Addiction. Like most addictions, MDMA has withdrawal symptoms, including fatigue, appetite loss, depression, and trouble concentrating. MDMA detox is not something you have to experience alone; you may require medicine to successfully kick the habit, as well as counseling and therapy.
Signs You (or Someone You Love) May Be Suffering from Ecstasy Addition
Although not signs of long-term addiction, there are some clear signs a person is abusing MDMA. People on the drug often experience heightened sensory perception. They experience increased pleasure from touching and have increased alertness. Other signs of ecstasy abuse include teeth clenching, excessive sweating, enhanced energy, and increased alertness. If you suspect someone you care about is abusing the drug, you may want to talk to an addiction specialist or counselor who can provide information on staging an intervention or convincing your loved one to enter rehab.
Long-term use typically results in addiction, and addiction has some tell-tale signs. MDMA alters brain chemistry and emotional states, so heavy use does result in lasting depression, trouble sleeping, and periods of confusion. The physical body suffers too, and weight loss, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate are all symptoms of prolonged use. Because it affects blood pressure and the heart, MDMA addiction has the potential to be fatal. Other physical effects include involuntary teeth clenching, double vision, and muscle tension. Addicts may experience all or only a few of these symptoms.
Tolerance is ecstasy’s most dangerous side-effect because it pressures the user to use more of the drug. MDMA is not safe. Taking large amounts can result in overdose, which has the potential to be fatal. If you or a loved one is facing intense cravings for the drug, it’s absolutely time to seek out treatment. Addiction specialists can help users overcome the painful side-effects of addiction and return to normal healthy lives once again. It is possible to help someone you care about get help and get sober. It starts with a conversation.
Ecstasy is Rarely Pure MDMA
One of the major problems with ecstasy is that people believe it’s not dangerous. MDMA has its medical benefits; it was used in psychotherapy and to treat marital problems. When prescribed by a physician it maybe isn’t so harmful, but drug dealers are not physicians and ecstasy is rarely pure MDMA.
According to, “Adding to MDMA’s risks is that pills, capsules, or powders sold as ecstasy and supposedly ‘pure’ molly may contain other drugs instead of or in addition to MDMA. Much of the molly seized by the police contains additives, such as cocaine, ketamine, methamphetamine, over-the-counter cough medicine, or synthetic cathinones (‘bath salts’).” Ecstasy use is extremely dangerous even the first time because you really don’t know what you’re getting and how it’s going to react to your body.
The most effective treatment for drug abuse is therapy, cognitive behavioral interventions, and drug recovery support groups. You or your loved one aren’t alone. There are many battling addiction to MDMA and, like them, you can overcome it. The first step is admitting you have a problem and seeking help to overcome the addiction.