Home Disorders Nose Disorders How to maintain a good sinus health

How to maintain a good sinus health

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Sinusitis or Sinus infection is a common condition that refers to inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages.

A sinus infection which lasts fewer than eight weeks or occurs no more than three times per year is called acute sinusitis.

If sinus usually lasts for more than 20 days, then it will be considered as chronic disorder. Immediate doctor consultation is required then.


Some of the symptoms of sinusitis are runny or stuffy nose, postnasal drip, pain or pressure around the eyes or cheekbones, headache, fever, sore throat, bad breath, tooth pain or sensitive teeth.


What causes sinus pain and congestion? The number one cause is allergies. Some people have seasonal allergies while others have year-round allergies that continually trigger their sinus pain and congestion.

Some causes of sinus pain include:

1. Pollutants: Air pollution, cigarette smoke and chemical irritants can inflame the sinus linings.

2. Polyps: These are sac-like growths of inflamed tissue on the lining of the sinuses.

3. Anatomical issues:  A structural problem such as a deviated septum or nasal bone spur can prevent mucus from draining out of the sinus.

4. Fungi: This is a growing problem. Fungi can cause a sinus infection. The most common fungus associated with sinusitis is aspergillus.

5. Swimming or diving: These activities can increase your risk for sinusitis because of pressure changes in the nose and sinuses.

Home remedies of sinusitis:

Drinking plenty of water, taking a steamy shower, using mentholated preparations and nasal irrigation.


Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, cough suppressants and pain relievers can help alleviate symptoms.

Intranasal or oral steroids can help treat chronic sinusitis. Antibiotics may be prescribed to help prevent different nasal complications. Prevention of a sinus infection depends upon its cause. But prompt treatment is necessary to cure the problem without much hussle. Surgery is a last resort for those who do not respond to medications.

How to avoid sinusitis:

1. Wash your hands frequently. This is especially important during cold weather. Get a flu shot yearly.

2. Staying in good health keeps your immune system strong. Eat a well-balanced diet and get regular exercise.  

3. Cigarette smoke can irritate sinuses. So quit smoking.

4. Use a humidifier. Dryness can lead to sinus pain.

5. Antibiotics will help if you have a bacterial infection, but they won't do anything for viral infections. Too many antibiotics, you can build up resistance to the medication.

6. Use a saline nasal solution. Pre-made saline drop, mist or spray can be used.

7. Try a neti pot. The neti pot which comes from the ancient Ayurveda yoga tradition in India needs to be poured into the nasal passages. You will such pots at drugstores, and they are also available at health food stores.

8. Keep your windows closed.

9. Fight dust mites. Vacuum and wipe down all surfaces regularly.

Foods to eat

The following are the list of foods for good sinus health:

Water: Plenty of fresh, clean, filtered water is essential to the health of our sinuses.

Pineapple: Pineapple is rich in antioxidants which also break down the junk that builds up in sinuses.

Peppers: Hot peppers can clear sinuses.

Horseradish: This spicy root acts much the same way as chili peppers

Garlic: Garlic and onion can reduce inflammation and pain. Allicin, a sulfur compound found in garlic, is antibacterial and antifungal.

Probiotics: The friendly bacteria in our bodies help keep less helpful bacteria and fungi infections at bay.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants protect the mucus membranes from damage.

Turmeric: Turmeric carries many of the same benefits like ginger.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has many health benefits. Coconut oil is very good at killing many bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

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1. Secret Sinus Remedies

2. Sinusitis

3. Sinus infection