Home Life Style Benefiting From A Slow Juice Diet

Benefiting From A Slow Juice Diet

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Slow Juice

Slow Juice is healthy diet

A slow juice diet is becoming a popular nutrition fad these days and there are many good reasons for being so. Juicing is now getting more of the attention of the nutrition advocates for being one of the easiest ways of maximizing the health benefits of fruits and vegetables in the diet. The process of juicing enhances the breaking down of the nutrients that allows the body to absorb them easier. It is also the best way of introducing a healthy diet among the picky eaters, allowing the body to consume enough nutrition from fruits and vegetables that one often refuses to eat but willing to drink. Slow juicing, in particular, provides a more effective way of introducing nutrition into the body.

What is a slow juice diet?

Not too many people know that juicing can be done slow or fast. While it is a common knowledge that juicing helps to break down foods such as fruits and vegetables to make it easier to consume them as a drink, there can be a difference when you slow juice a drink. A slow juice diet involves the juicing movement that is longer than the usual time it takes when juicing a drink.

Unlike the conventional juicer, slow juicers consist of small feeding chutes that can process only small cuts of vegetables and fruits. The machine runs at a slower speed, usually between 75 and 160 revolutions per minute. As a result, the process barely produces heat, thereby preserving the nutrients and the enzymes from the fruits and vegetables. This makes a slow juice diet very healthy because it maintains the integrity of the nutrients in the drink up to 48 to 72 hours post extraction from the juicer.

Slow juicing is alternatively called as cold press juicing because it effectively preserves the nutrients of fruits and vegetables after the juicing process. A slow juice diet allows for pre-digesting these foods, allowing for the body to absorb nutrients better while it is gentle to the digestive system. With slow juicing, the body benefits from an improved immunity level, a healthy digestive system, losing weight and also contributes to preventing cancer.

Slow juice diet promotes weight loss

slow Juice

The slow juicing extract retain its nutrients upto 72 hours

Those who advocate losing weight prefer slow juicing than the fast one. This is because a slow juice diet promotes fullness and prevents hunger satiety. Unlike fast juicers, the slow process allows for an enhanced grinding motion that pulverizes the vegetables or fruits including its seeds, peel and stems. The one using a slow juice diet is able to maximize the pulp and fiber content of the foods they drink. This type of a diet gives a dieter the opportunity to take more vegetables that they don't like eating but are good at losing weight. Health buffs usually recommend taking more vegetables in a slow juice diet. A green juice is healthier than adding more fruits that can add more sugar to your drink. The combination of green vegetables and low sugar fruits is thus ideal in achieving losing weight.

Slow juice diet preserves more nutrients for a healthier drink

The slow grinding movement from the juicer offers many benefits to a health advocate drinker. Enhanced fiber retention from the juice is one, which is highly beneficial to the digestive system.  Moreover, one can store the juice longer without sacrificing the quality of the nutrients available from the juice drink. Nutrition is retained up to 72 hours, allowing you to store the drink longer if you cannot consume it in one drink. A slow juice diet is also beneficial because fewer nutrients are wasted to none. Even the seeds can be extracted, which is known to contain higher amount of nutrients. With a slow juice diet, one can maximize the nutritional benefits they want to derive from a healthy drink.