Home Life Style What is Eczema and How Can You Avoid It?

What is Eczema and How Can You Avoid It?

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Eczema is a medical condition that irritates the skin, causing it to turn red and inflamed. Eczema is not your typical type of skin irritant such as pimples. Eczema is more severe and takes longer to heal even in the presence of medication. If you suffer from this type of skin irritation, the following may be able to help you.

What are the symptoms of eczema?

  • Itchy skin: Eczema significantly affects the face, but it can also manifest in other parts of the body. Itchiness is notably the most common symptoms of it, then it is accompanied by rashes after.
  • Dry and scaly skin: The affected area can be very dry and scaly due to constant scratching. In some cases, it can be the opposite and produces  watery blemishes that are also very itchy. The bad thing about these watery blemishes is that they can infect other parts of the skin when it gets ruptured.
  • Reddish to brown color: Eczema produces red rashes instantly and gradually change into dark brown (like a blemish) as time passes.
  • Watery blemishes: Watery blemishes usually comes out after extreme and continuous scratching. Or if the part


    of the skin is oily such as the face.

Eczema is said to be the cause of genetically transferred illness. It can also be the cause of extreme allergies and sensitivity to food and weather. Another cause of eczema is an extreme hormonal imbalance that affects the body's immune system causing  physical and emotional challenges. Other causes of eczema include oily face, irritants and dry skin.

Eczema is usually diagnosed by merely checking at the rashes and severity of itchiness. Tests are significantly done if the person has a history of allergies and illness that may cause it.

Over the counter treatment for eczema:

  • Antihistamines are commonly taken if the cause of eczema is allergies. Frist hand treatment of the allergy will eventually take the eczema away.
  • Creams and ointments are commonly used in treating eczema. Besides relieving the dry, scaly skin, this type of medication can be applied directly to the affected area.
  • Antibiotic medication can also help in preventing eczema from coming back. It also helps in making sure that the bacteria that started the irritant will be eliminated.
  • Anti inflammatory medications are commonly used to treat mild eczema that can't be treated by simple home remedies.

If you have allergies and is very sensitive to other medications, there are home remedies that you can apply in order to ease the itching and rashes. Besides this, there are several measures you can take in order to prevent eczema.

Home remedies for eczema:

  • Use mild soap especially when cleaning the affected area: Mild soap will thoroughly clean the area without irritating and drying the skin. Less chemical means more effective ways in cleaning the affected area.
  • Regularly wash your face: Eczema that appears on the face can be very ugly and is prone to infection. Wash your face regularly and make sure there is no oil residue left in it. This is also to make sure that irritants will not stay that can add to the irritation.
  • Watch your diet: Your diet is one factor that initiates flare ups. Avoid oily food and those you know that  can trigger your allergies.
  • Relieve yourself from any stress: Prolong suffering from stress usually cause hormonal imbalance, a big factor in the development of eczema. As much as possible, avoid getting stressed.
  • Avoid scratching the affected area: If the eczema is on the other parts of your body aside from the face, you may want to cover it with gauze and bandage to prevent yourself from scratching it.
  • Avoid cold baths: When taking a bath, using warm water relaxes the skin, and generally keeps the skin soft especially the affected area thus reducing the itchiness.

When to seek your doctor's help?

Normally, eczemas can be treated at home. Regardless of its severity, the majority of people who experience this can overcome it just by means of over the counter medicines and home remedy treatments. However, in some cases, medical and professional help is needed.

  • Seek professional help if the irritation becomes too severe. This includes severe redness and irritation, inflammation and liquid oozing as well as pain in the affected area besides the normal feeling of itchiness.
  • Ask for your doctor's advice if the itchiness and irritation don't go away after applying home remedy treatments or over the counter medicines.
  • If the eczema starts to interfere with your daily activities such as embarrassment over the illness, extreme itchiness that prevents you from working normally or if eczema brings another case of sickness such as dizziness, fever and other infections.

Keep in mind that eczema is treatable. The one thing you need to understand about it is that, practicing good hygiene will reduce the occurrence of such illness. Eczema can affect anyone ranging from infants to adults. Avoid sharing your things with people who have eczema as this can be contagious on certain levels. Use separate soap in the bathroom as well as the towels you use and the clothes you wear. While an eczema is treatable, it also has a high rate of occurring again, especially if it’s genetically acquired or caused by allergies. Make sure you know exactly the cause of it for you to be able to avoid them

Click Here! To learn more about how to get rid of eczema fast and efficiently.