How To Prevent Exercise Bloating
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Bloating is simply when someone notices that their stomach is swollen or feeling full. This normally happens when someone has had a big meal but other causes does exist like dairy food bloat, bloating caused by beans and some even experience bloating due to medication. There are many things that can cause bloating, some serious while some are benign but one thing they all have in common, it is quite noticeable. For someone who works out and has put in the time in the gym, being or just feeling bloated is a real inconvenience. Well, anybody in general feels really uncomfortable when bloated but for this article, we will discuss a few pointers to make sure that you do not get that exercise bloating.
Proper Hydration
Now we all know that when engaging in any physical activity, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. But, as with anything, too much of a good thing can be bad as well. Drinking too much too fast can lead to feeling or being bloated. If you do not give your body enough time to process what you take in, it will just be stored. It is also important to state what should be taken in. Many energy drink have great amount of sugar in it. Sugary or carbonated drinks are not what your body needs but we drink it because they taste good. Your body cannot process all these in the amount we typically drink them in an attempt to stay hydrated. Take small sips on your water bottle when working out and not big gulps. The same way a fighter drink while between rounds. They drink to stay hydrated but only small sips. It's a simple to follow method. And don't cheat either by taking small but numerous sips because you will just be cheating yourself, robbing your body of the progress it should be making.
Do Not Eat Large Pre-WorkoutMeals
Now this is something that a lot of my gym buddies do not realizing that they are contributing to their own bloated post-workout feel. They are actually the one to blame. Many guys
tend to eat a lot pre-workout to prepare their bodies for the hard work ahead and make sure they have the fuel to go hard. Now, I am not saying that we should workout with an empty stomach but I don't think downing a Big Mac and large fries pre-workout is a good way to go. If you eat immediately before a workout session, even high protein meal, it can result to excessive gas build up during your workout and make you feel bloated afterwards.
Get Enough Sodium
Your body needs sodium to regulate water usage. Now I mean this in moderation and not to be taken literally. Going overboard will obviously have some negative consequences for you so make sure that you do not lick off salt pre-workout. It's a gym session, not a tequila shot.
Proper Breathing
Proper breathing is also important to avoid getting bloated. Simple things like breathing in through the nose and not the mouth because you might swallow some of it and end up in the intestinal tract and make your feel bloated and quite gassy. Also, proper breathing helps in maintaining proper posture which in turn helps in the body's digestion. Proper digestion minimizes, if not completely eliminates that bloated feel and allows the body to efficiently use the nutrients that you take in. Proper breathing also improves your performance hence makes the body burn more which lessens the possibility of you being bloated even more. So breathe in through the nose then breathe out through the mouth.