How to Boost Your Testosterone
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Although the word testosterone tends to elicit negative overtones in recent years, it is actually important to have adequate levels of testosterone in the body. Steroids are not only inclined to make one more aggressive and violent. It should also be noted that from the age of about 27 onward, our testosterone levels begin to decline steadily. It is during these times that your body will have to compensate for this drop in levels and what you can take naturally to fix this situation. The following are ways to dramatically alter your lifestyle by boosting your testosterone levels.
The Advantage of Lean
The more lean you are, the less likely that your hormones are at unstable levels. Studies have shown that the more fat your body carries is proportional to the levels of testosterone in your system. By adding an exercise regimen into your life, you can substantially increase your testosterone levels by reducing excess fat. People that sleep on average between seven to eight hours a night tend to have more optimal testosterone levels compared to those that sleep less or more than that. It is also advisable to take a nap during the days when you have the possibility to.
Optimal Health Through Sleep
There is strong connection between good sleeping patterns and optimal health, which extends to the testosterone in your system at any given time. Many research studies suggest the minimum of six hours, with up to eight being the ideal optimization level. Not all fats are bad fats. Olive oil in its raw form, avocado, nuts, fish and alive oils, and lean animal meats are some examples of foods that can ensure you receive the correct amounts of healthy fats. These high levels of fat help your body to produce testosterone which in turn increases productivity and function.
Consumption of Less Alcohol
Reducing your alcohol consumption can dramatically impact your testosterone levels as well as your overall health. Studies suggest that beer is more detrimental and that by minimizing alcoholic intake, you can optimize your health index. It is not necessary to completely give up alcohol completely as many assume. In fact, a drink or two can even be healthy for the body.
Don’t Forget Breakfast
The most important meal of the day is breakfast and this is the most important period of the day to give your body the high proteins and low carbohydrates it needs. These can be found in eggs, and red meat, as well as green vegetables like spinach, and a wide assortment of beans and nuts. People that follow a high protein, low carbohydrate diet report higher energy levels and an overall sense of being full and also being leaner from this health approach. Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and kale contain indoles, that reportedly remove bad estrogen from the body. Spinach and blueberries decrease inflammation and support alkalinity, which increases lean muscle mass for overall health. All of these agents indirectly benefit with testosterone levels.
Don’t Slave at the Gym
To boost your testosterone levels, it is not necessary to spend your entire life in the gym. Your training sessions should be kept under an hour, preferably no longer than 45 minutes a session. Anything over 45 minutes tend to lead in a decrease in testosterone levels.
Reduce Your Stress
Not sweating the small stuff is the name of the game. The higher your stress levels are, the lower your testosterone levels are. Adopting a stress-management plan can help to maintain an acceptable level of stress and increase your mental focus. Studies have continually shown that training too much can also significantly decrease testosterone levels. High intensity aerobics classes can help to boost your testosterone levels as well and examples include cardio finishers, interval sprints, and strongman training. This can also include sexual activity, which can reduce your stress levels as well as increase testosterone output.
Supplement Your Way to Better Health
For those that are looking for supplements to use, there are a few on the market that can boost testosterone levels. DHEA at 25-200mg a day has been shown to dramatically increase the testosterone levels of people over the age of 40. Magnesium oil and zinc citrate also increase testosterone levels and should be added to any dietary change for those of a certain age. Vitamin D is also another nutrient that body needs and can be attained through sun exposure.