Doctor’s Ultimate Guide For A Perfect Abdomen And Muscle Definition
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Doctor’s Ultimate Guide For A Perfect Abdomen And Muscle Definition
The truth about the abdomen.
If we were to listen to commercials, people spend more money on their abdomen than on any other muscle group. And why would not they? It is involved in almost all your movements. But the way to a nicely shaped abdomen should not involve credit cards. All you need is a well-designed diet and this simple guide. Believe me, your friend will be jealous. Do you have any questions about this area of your body? Up next we will map the most important abdominal muscles for you.
1. The six-pack.
Any man dreams at a perfect “rectus abdominis” (in scientific terms) or a “six-pack” or ” perfect abs”. Actually there are about eight segments separated by a fibrous connective tissue called fascia. They counterbalance the action of the muscles which stretch the lumbar region, the rectus abdominis keeps your spine straight. The other main function is to pull the trunk to the hips.
2. Fascia
This dense tissue blends in and through your whole body muscle mass forms a complex interconnected system. For you to understand better think at the abdomen fascia as the barrier which separates and connects each of the eight segments of the six-pack, giving it the defined appearance.
3. External abdominal oblique muscle
Stretching vertically and diagonally, this muscle group starts at the rib cage and connects to the hip bone and the white line (see illustration number 5 below). The external oblique muscle (also called the great oblique) helps you tilt your torso from side to side and twist your torso to the left and right. Its most important role is perhaps to prevent uncontrolled rotation of the trunk.
4. Internal abdominal oblique muscle
The internal abdominal oblique muscle (small oblique muscle) is found under the external oblique abdominal muscle layer – it helps to tilt to one side and twisting the torso while preventing uncontrolled rotation.
5 Linea alba or the white line
This layer of fascia forms a long line that separates the middle abdomen. The linea alba does not allow muscles to tear the rectus-abdominis or six-pack muscle.

Abdominal Muscles
Work Out Your Back Muscles, Burn That Fat!
If you intend to attack fat, equip yourself with great looking muscles and sweat a lot, we offer you the fight signal: this latest workout designed by professionals. Guiding you through a series of intense exercise in a fast pace, this program will help you burn more calories per minute than any weightlifting or cardio exercise. In addition, the set is working every muscle from head to toe not only your abdominal muscles. The best part: whether you want more muscles mass or fewer pounds, this exercise teaches you how to adapt this training to fulfill your need.
Now get to work – it’s an order!
Perform this workout as a circuit, performing each exercise successively. To burn more fat: starting with exercise number 1, do as many repetitions as you can within 50 seconds. Then, rest for ten seconds. After you perform all movements in the circuit, rest 60 seconds. Repeat the mini-workout again.
To gain muscle: perform as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds (you have to use more weight this time). Then rest for 30 seconds. Perform all ten exercises, rest 60 seconds, then resume movement from the first circuit.
1 Balance with dumbbells
Stand up straight with your arms on your sides and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Spread your legs and flex your knees slightly [A]. Without curving your spine, bend from the hips. Simultaneously, swing your arms back [B]. Now push forward your pelvis and straighten the trunk. By balancing, raise your arms to chest level [C]. Continue this swing back and forth throughout the exercise.

Balance with dumbbells
2 A pushup and a half with dumbbells
Hold a dumbbell in each hand each and stay in the pushup position with your arms outstretched. Arms are in line with your shoulders and the body is perfectly straight from head to heels [A]. Bend your elbows and lower your body slowly so that the chest almost touches the floor [B]. Take a break, then push yourself back up only halfway from the initial position [C]. Stop and get on the on the floor [D]. Return to the starting position and repeat everything with arms outstretched.

3 Squats with a dumbbell

4. Tractions with dumbbells
5. Pushing the dumbbell above the shoulder

6. Spacing dumbbells while rotating

7. Half dumbbell lifting

8 Alternating lunges with a dumbbell

9. Walking with dumbbells

10. Turns with a dumbbell