iPad 5 To Charge via inductive Smart Cover?
We’ve heard some rumors about a new service Apple may bring on the market, with the purpose of making easier the task of recharging all their devices like the iPad 5. As a proof to the credibility of those rumors is the newest patent, already granted to the Apple company, picturing a Smart Cover that can be used to recharge devices. If by now, you only used the Smart Cover as a protection for the iPad screen, from now on thanks to its incorporated charging mat, you can use it for recharging those devices as well. Pretty awesome, right?! The patent which makes this possible is called Integrated inductive charging in protective cover.
Not only it would be easier to use, but it could also reduce the number of cables you need at this point for keeping your iPod, iPad, iPhone (and anything else Apple may bring on the market) charged.
As a summary to the information described in the patent we can tell you that the cover will include an inductive power transmitter, which will pass the power to an inductive power receiver unit placed in the device you want to charge. Thus, the transfer will be made through inductive coupling of the two elements, everything being secured by a closed configuration of this system.
The system practically moves electricity from the flat plat to the tablet, by using induction. However, compared to the former manner of recharging, using a plugin cable, the induction chargers are usually individual products (they don’t come in pairs) and much more expensive than what you are using now.
Macworld UK posted recently their opinion on how the Smart Cover will recharge the tablet. As stated by them, there are two main ways through which this is possible.
They describe a system in which the Smart Cover would take bits of electricity from the plugged in tablet and would store it into an incorporated battery. When the iPad is no longer connected, the Smart Cover retrieves the previously taken energy back to the tablet. The second system they describe implies the usage of the new Lightning connector, so in order to charge your tablet you would have to plug in the Smart cover with this connector, and then transfer the energy from it to the tablet.
Even if you would employ the Smart Cover inductive charger as a stand, it would still function properly.
The big picture concerning the wireless charging of the Apple devices, was conceived a few years ago, but recently, among the rumors about the new generation of iPhones, we found rumors about this idea as well.
It is true, that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office approved earlier in 2012 another patent, similar to the one issued today, but instead of iPad it involved the iPod touch or the iPhone. Back then, there were more rumors about wireless recharging MacBooks.
Stumbling on such a big number of rumors and chatter, and considering the latest patents Apple issued, points out clearly that this feature is strongly desired by costumers.
The system in which you use a Smart Cover for recharging wireless an iDevice, seems to be a very practical one, because thanks to its physical dimensions, the cover can definitely be used as a collective inductive charging mat.