Osteoporosis – Symptoms And Remedies
Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease which decreases bone density, leading to inevitable deterioration of bone structure. Skeletal weakness leads to fractures with minor trauma, particularly in the thoracic and lumbar spine, wrist, and hip. Acute or chronic back pain is common in osteoporosis.
The bone is in a permanent state of formation but after 32-35 years old, the bone density begins to weaken leading to bone deterioration. There are some important influential factors that contribute to the bone structure in a benefic or harmfull way:
- There are hormones that have the role to speed up the remodelation structure of the bone such as the parathyroid hormone, the thyroxine hormone, the growth hormone as well as vitamin D; as well as there are hormones who reduce it, such as calcitonin and estrogens;
- There are also other factors, like genetic, workout, life style, nutrition (e.g. smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentarism and obesity), menopause, kidney chronic diseases, diabetes, etc. which also contribute to the apparition of osteoporosis.
Symptoms And Signs Of Osteoporosis:
- Fractures, which develop after minimal or no trauma at all, lead to chronic pain typical in osteoporosis;
- Pain evolves usually in the bones and muscles, especially in the back. The pain is acute, it does not radiate and it begins after weight bearing. It is also possible that residual pain to last for months or become constant;
- Exaggerated cervical lordosis(dowager’s hump) is likely to appear at an old age.
What You Can Do – Osteoporosis Remedies
- Drink a lot of water. It maintains the fluidity of the blood. Osteoporosis is a disease produced due to demineralization, therefore your daily menu should also include aliments which help maintain calcium in the bones. Example of aliments: fish, eggs, vegetables (especially broccoli), cereals, soya, sardines, sunflower seeds, peanuts, nuts, dry beans, etc.
- You should consider taking a small tablet of calcium during the night just to compensate loss of calcium through urine. The dosage of calcium is usually recommended as it follows: 1 gram of calcium per day for adults, 1.5 grams of calcium per day for women who passed their menopause as well as men past 65 years old;
- You should be aware that sedentarism, obesity, or being immobilized and forced to stay in bed raise the chances of osteoporosis to appear.
- A maximum of 15 minutes exposure to UV is suggested, as it produces provitamin D which turns into vitamin D.
- Sports, physical exercises should not be disregarded.
There is a series of recommended exercises, specially for preventing osteoporosis, which can be done in the physiotherapy room. Age should not be regarded as an impediment in realizing the recommended exercises. Jogging and aerobics however pressurize the spine even more when already affected by osteoporosis, so they should be avoided.
For people who are not yet affected of osteoporosis, physical exercises of a higher impact are recommended. Jogging, voleyball, basketball, tenis, aerobics, skying are to be considered. The exercises become efficient only if intensely repeated on a regular basis and on short sessions.
For those who have already developed osteoporosis, carefully supervised, progressive exercises can raise the level of mineral density. Walking for almost an hour daily is also higly indicated for maintaining the mineral denisty at the pelvic and lower limbs level.
Special exercises for extension of the spine:
- While sitting on a chair, raise your hands to the shoulder level and slowly pull your arms to the back to straighten the spine. Remain in that position for a few seconds and repeat it 5 times;
- Lie flat on your back, on a thin matress placed on the floor. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet are touching the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and place your hands stretched above your head. Maintaining them perfectly stretched, drag them untill they reach the shoulder level. Maintain the position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times;
For further and more complex exercises, it is recommended that you visit your physician which will guide you further in finding suitable physiotherapy exercises, depending on each case.