Home Life Style Aspirin Lowers Trans-Fat Related Ischemic Stroke Risk In Postmenopausal Women

Aspirin Lowers Trans-Fat Related Ischemic Stroke Risk In Postmenopausal Women

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Aspirin Lowers Trans-Fat Related Ischemic Stroke Risk In Postmenopausal Women

A new study, ‘Trans Fat Intake, Aspirin and Ischemic Stroke Among Postmenopausal Women’,  published in the journal Annals of Neurology, shows that women with a high consumption of trans fats are at higher risk of suffering an ischemic stroke. The study also shows that the risk of stroke was lower among women treated with aspirin on a daily basis.

The study was conducted on a sample of 87,025  postmenopausal healthy women  , aged between 50 and 79, whose diets contained high amounts of trans fats. The results showed that these women have a 39% higher risk of stroke than women who included in their diets small amounts of trans fats. Also, the study revealed that the risk was even higher among women who were not on aspirin,  the risk for these women was 66%.



Taken over a long period of time, aspirin may reduce stroke risk in women who consume large amounts of trans fats. Besides its analgesic and antipyretic properties aspirin has anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet effects. Long-term use may reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.
Trans fats, unsaturated or hydrogenated fats, are those vegetable fats that result from hot or cold processing, roasting, boiling, baking, or transformation from liquid to solid.

Trans fats are regarded as the most health dangerous fats that people include in their diets. They are found in baked products, fried fast foods, mixed cakes and many other products. These fats are not essential lipids and do not provide any health benefit.  Their most harmful effect can be observed on the cardiovascular system. These fats not only raise LDL cholesterol, but they also reduce the ‘good’ cholesterol,  that is HDL cholesterol. It is known that LDL fraction plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In addition, trans fats can be the culprit behind a heart attack or a stroke. HDL cholesterol fraction prevents the obstruction of vessel wall and transports cholesterol to the liver.

During the the study 1,049 new cases of stroke from 1994 to 2005 were analyzed. It was found that women with strokes were more likely to be smokers, sedentary and diabetic and to have a lower socioeconomic status than those who ate less trans fat. Researchers from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health have remarked that there was no association between stroke risk and consumption of other types of fat, saturated or monounsaturated.

Sirin Yaemsiri, a doctoral student in the school’s Epidemiology Department, study author, points out that these results represent a warning regarding limiting trans fat intake among postmenopausal women dut to the increased stroke risk.