Dipstick Urine Test Can Be Used To Screen Patients With Renal Failure Risks
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Dipstick Urine Test Can Be Used To Screen Patients With Renal Failure Risks
Many people have kidney problems and an impaired kidney function can be easily diagnosed by a simple urine analysis which may reveal the presence of proteinuria ( albuminuria) or microalbuminuria.
But when is proteinuria present? Albuminuria can be transitory, for example after exposure to cold, emotional and allergic states, vaccinations or after consumption of eggs and certain medications during pregnancy. Permanent and massive albuminuria is frequently found in kidney diseases such as urinary tract infections, glomerulonephropathy, nephrosis, kidney stones, etc. Other diseases that can impair kidney function and are accompanied by microalbuminuria are hypertension, diabetes, different heart diseases.

Renal Failure Rapid Test
How can proteinuria be detected? It can be easily detected after a “classic” urine analysis or by using a urine dipstick .
In a study led by Dr. Clark, the usefulness of those two detection methods were compared, and it was discovered that by using a urine dipstick the patient’s risk of rapidly losing renal function can be identified ( more than 5% per year). Rapid decline in kidney function was associated with: old age, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and family history of diabetes.
Collecting data over 1 million patients with kidney disease, has revealed a relationship between the amount of albumin present in urine and renal morbidity risks, including the final stage, the risk of cardiovascular mortality and mortality in general. Also, albuminuria is a prognostic factor for the patient’s long-term evolution.
By using a urine dipstick patients at risk of losing rapidly kidney function can be screened therefore. Advantages of this method are that it can be easily applied, it’s cheaper and it can be used to screen patients that present a high risk for rapid kidney failure. A disadvantage of this method is that it can’t detect minor presence of albuminuria and in that case a classic urine analysis may be desirable.
The most important, if you have a kidney condition or another condition that can impair the kidney function, do no neglect it and visit your physician.