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First Trimester Of Pregnancy – Needed Tests

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First Trimester Of Pregnancy – Needed Tests

The thought that you will become a mother brings you happiness, emotions, but also the need to find some answers. It is important for the mother to come into contact with the family doctor or obstetrician as soon as possible after hearing the news that she is pregnant or has a suspicion that she might be pregnant. Then, what is called the “first prenatal” checkup will be performed which is of great importance as it helps the doctor after a detailed medical history and further investigations to establish if the pregnancy presents any risks.

Although pregnancy and childbirth are physiological, they are an “adventure of nature”. According to the most current medical guidelines, in practice there are some investigations that should be performed according to gestational age throughout pregnancy, which helps early detection and treatment of possible disorders, which left untreated can harm both the mother and baby.

Pregnancy test

Pregnancy test

First trimester (1-14 weeks of pregnancy) is very important for both mother and embrio in terms of physical and mental health, and includes the first prenatal checkup mentioned above.

Once the pregnancy was confirmed (physical, biochemical, ultrasound), during the first consultation  a complete medical history of the patient will be carried out by  the specialist, by which be physiological and pathological aspects will be highlighted, the biological background on which the pregnancy is installed and the risk factors will be determined. A general and obstetric clinical examination and some laboratory and laboratory explorations will be performed also.

The First Tests Will Include

  • Hemoleucogram
  • Blood type + Rh for both partners
  • Blood glucose level
  • Transaminases – assess liver function
  • Uric acid, urea, creatinine – assess renal function
  • Coagulation
  • Serology for syphilis (RBW, VDRL, TPHA) – test is repeated preferably between 28-32 weeks of pregnancy
  • Tests to detect HIV-AIDS infection, HBsAg and AgVHC (for Hepatitis B And Hepatitis C virus)
  • Urinalysis – if any changes are present urocultures with antibiotics sensibility testing is recommended
  • Examination of vaginal discharge (bacterial, fungal, parasitological)
  • Babes-Papanicolau cytology (Pap smear)
  • Ultrasound – after this first ultrasound that confirmed the existence of intrauterine pregnancy, another is performed at 12 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound test that correlates with the double HCG and Estriol test and, which together calculate the risk for Down syndrome (trisomy 21) .
Pregnancy test

Pregnancy test

In addition (in case of a history of miscarriage, premature birth, fetal death in utero, birth defects)  a series of medical tests that detect the presence of active infections: rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma, herpes virus, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma will be performed.

For neural tube malformations prevention (spina bifida, anencephaly) folic acid 5 mg mom (1-2 pills/day) within 14 weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, if any of the above investigations indicate a particular problem, treatment will be specialized in maternal and fetal interests.

After the first consultation during pregnancy, the pregnant women will return to the doctor every month, the first two trimesters of pregnancy, and bimonthly in the last quarter. At each visit, a particular higher importance is attributed to weighing and measuring the pregnant woman blood pressure and measurement of uterine bottom and abdominal circumference .