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Solutions to Quit Marijuana Dependency

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Marijuana dependency is a prevalent problem that plagues the world today. Many people think that marijuana dependency cannot pose a serious problem. However, many lives have already been ruined because of it and getting help at its early stage is crucial in helping the person regain back his normal life and overcome the negative effects of becoming dependent on marijuana use.

Harmful effects of marijuana

Marijuana is also known with its street name as Bud, Weed, Herb, Dope, Pot and many others. It comes from a hemp plant that is called Cannabis. Marijuana's active chemical is known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or simply referred to as THC. Long term smoking of marijuana can become addicting and this is when marijuana dependency becomes a problem. Marijuana is tagged as the most widely used illicit drug in the world. It can intoxicate the brain and the body's entire system, making the person highly dependent to THC with resulting both long and short side effects.

When a person consumes marijuana, the initial side effects that are commonly experienced include a distorted perception, loss in coordination, palpitation, difficulty in mental processing when solving problems and thinking, anxiety and dryness of the mouth and throat. The more serious long term side effects are drug abuse or dependency, high blood pressure, suppression of the male sex hormones, short-term loss of memory, weak immune system, and difficulty in thinking.

Those smoking marijuana five times a week are highly at risk of getting a lung cancer. Pregnancy complications are also common among pregnant women who are taking marijuana. It can result in leukemia and may affect the neurologic development of the fetus. It can also affect the child's mental developmental where there is the poor ability to think and attention problems in school.

Individuals with marijuana dependency may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, restlessness, and intense craving to smoke marijuana. These are the common physical and psychological symptoms experienced when trying to break the cycle of smoking marijuana.

Coping with marijuana dependency

There are different ways by which one can cope from marijuana addiction. There are various recovery plans that are available for the better management of the symptoms of marijuana dependency. In the relapse stage, the individual will feel emotional, mental and physical disturbances that usually occur with about weeks or months prior to the actual physical relapse.

Emotional Relapse Stage. The signs of emotional relapse include anger, anxiety, mood swings, isolation and defensiveness. These symptoms are commonly seen as post-acute withdrawal as well.

How to Cope. To cope with the early relapse stage, it is vital for the individual to identify these symptoms at its earliest stage. Preventive measure includes the recognition of the signs of anxiety and to learn exercising relaxation techniques. If you think you are confronted with a stressful condition, such as getting the lack of sleep and other symptoms common to the relapse stage, you should not hesitate to look for professional help. Treating your condition at the earliest stage is easier than when you are already physically, mentally and emotionally hooked to marijuana dependency.

Mental Relapse Stage. This stage involves the struggle in resolving the dilemma of using and not using marijuana. The early stage of the mental relapse makes you think about using it, however, in the later stage, the urge of thinking about using becomes stronger. One begins to fantasize about using marijuana and begins to lie. Resisting the thought of using becomes harder and eventually, one finds himself giving in.

How to cope. If you are confronted with the mental urge of using marijuana, you need to learn how to control such mental state by doing certain activities that can help distract your thoughts from the idea of using it. It helps telling someone about your ordeal and try talking about it with someone as the process helps release the urge. Urges impose a tempting situation, but they only lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. If you can distract yourself long enough, the urges will just wane eventually. It is impossible to get a quick fix about your marijuana dependency. You must take one day at a time to help yourself recover from it mentally. Overwhelming yourself by thinking about it will not help.

Physical relapse stage. It is a matter of time when one begins to experience a physical relapse. This stage of the marijuana dependency is often difficult to manage, especially when you are challenged learning how to abstain from using it.

How to cope. Coping with the physical relapse stage requires one to focus on the recovery phase of the dependency. By learning to recognize the signs of a post-acute withdrawal, it is easier to take the necessary steps to avoid further engagement to marijuana dependency and to get immediate help.  ˜

It takes significant effort in order to change your life in order to attain recovery from marijuana dependency. Here are some ways to get help in order to quit marijuana addiction. Click here!