How to Strengthen Bones and Joints
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Bones and joints are vital parts of our body. They are what keep our body intact and working. Our bones support our every move; without them, we cannot imagine what we could do with our body.
However, they don't often get their due attention as more often than we take them for granted. One should know that our bones are actually made up of living tissues and they need constant nourishment and replenishment. The fact is that after a certain age, we start losing more bones that we build that leads to weaker and fragile bones by the time we are old. It increases the risk of fractures and other conditions like osteoporosis.
In order to build strong bones, one must eat nutrient rich food, exercise regularly and work towards having a sound posture. Wondering what steps you should take to ensure healthy bones and joints? Here are our top tips:
Watch your weight
The very first thing that you need to do to ensure strong bones and joints is to keep your body weight ideal. The joints of the body such as the knees, back and hip are the ones that support one's body weight. So the more one weighs, the more the joints are under pressure to work and perform. Research says that every pound that is gained by a person puts four times more strain on the knees.
The second thing that you need to do is exercise regularly. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you are at an increased risk of joint pain and stiffness. In order to keep your bones and joints healthy, you must get involved in some kind of exercise. Weight bearing exercises are good to keep your bones healthy. These exercises strengthen the muscles around the bones which in turn provide strength. If your muscles are not strong enough, it will put more strain on the joints. Your exercise regime should help in building strong abdominal and back muscles which will ensure that your body is always balanced. This is important as it will help in preventing falls that can often have a debilitating effect on the bones and joints.
Activities like running, jogging and dancing are also great. However, if you have weak bones, opting for exercise like walking is a better idea. You should always be aware of the limitations of your bones and joints. If a certain exercise puts more than necessary strain on your joints and bones, you should abstain from it. Your exercise regime should be as per the needs of your body and should also help your improve your posture.
Have bone-friendly foods
The next important thing that you need to stress on is to eat nutrient rich food that nourishes your bones. Calcium is very important for bone health so make sure that you have plenty of calcium-rich foods in your diet. Low fat dairy products, salmon, sardines, dark leafy greens, broccoli, nuts and fortified cereals are some of the good sources of calcium. Other than that, you also need an adequate amount of vitamin D, which you can get by eating vitamin D fortified food and by exposing yourself to adequate sunshine. Your body must also get the right amount of protein as they help in building muscles that strengthen joints. You should also focus on eating plenty of fruits and vegetables so that the body's need for magnesium, potassium, vitamin K and vitamin C are met.
Therefore, you see that a lot of effort goes in maintaining the strength of the joints and bones. The sooner you start working towards it the better it will be for you in the long run.
Doctor’s Tip : Bones and Joints issues could also be a case of Osteoporosis, Click here and learn the truthabout Osteoporosis