Health Risks Linked To Tobacco Use
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Tobacco and cigarettes contain toxins that are detrimental to the human body.
Tobacco snuff is a form of smokeless tobacco and many people believe that it does not contain the same harmful risks as the tobacco that is smoked. However, it has many health risks and side effects that range from serious to life threatening.
Excretory System
The human excretory system encompasses the lungs, skin, kidneys and liver. All organs are responsible for the removal of toxins and waste from our body but its function slows down during tobacco consumption. The digestive system works hand in hand with the excretory system to remove waste matter out of the body.
Throat Cancer
Tobacco contains many harmful chemicals that lead to severe diseases. It also contains nicotine which is the addictive compound in tobacco smoke, causing addiction and inability to withdraw.
Studies show that tobacco is found to be the most common cause of cancer, especially throat and lung cancer. It ruins the cells in the oral activity and the throat.
Lung Cancer
Usually, lungs work to eliminate carbon dioxide and other toxins from the body. When inhaled, tobacco's carcinogens accumulate in the lungs. These chemicals develop into tumors and cause lung cancer. Symptoms of lung cancer include persistent cough, unexplained fever, weight loss and shortness of breath. In most cases, 85% of the patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. However, modern technology allows cancers to be detected at an earlier stage and increase a patient's lifespan.
Digestive System
In the human body, the excretory system works with the digestive system to remove toxins from body. Smoking is linked to several stomach problems including ulcers, gastric problems, Crohn's disease and gall stones. Tobacco has a direct effect on the stomach, therefore, stomach related symptoms occur rapidly.
Tobacco Toxins
A cigarette contains tobacco and roughly, 4,000 compounds, many of which are toxic. It can cause cell damage. There are three main ingredients of tobacco or cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar. It also contains other dangerous ingredients including acetone, benzene, cadmium, arsenic.
Skin Cancer
Researchers have found that tobacco smokers are more than three times more likely to develop squamous cells of the skin. Consumption of skin cancer directly impact on our skin. More the consumption of tobacco in any form, higher is the chance of skin cancer accordingly.
Kidney Stones and Kidney Damage
Tobacco causes high blood pressure and effects of high blood pressure may cause kidney damage. Presence of toxins causes formation of crystals in the body. If these crystals remain in the kidney and are not eliminated by urine then they may attract other elements to form small hard objects that are known as stones.
In certain countries, tobacco is also present in another form that is an extremely popular herbal concoction. Some people use tobacco as a treatment for fatigue and depression. In large-doses, it can cause a cocaine-like state of intoxication and it includes dilated pupils, psychosis, impaired judgment, confusion and euphoria. While some users seek tobacco because of euphoric and stimulant effects, it causes serious long-term psychological problems. Withdrawal symptoms include dry mouth, insomnia, fatigue and cognitive problems. An elevated cancer risk has only been noticed in people who chew or consume tobacco on a daily basis. Use of tobacco along with alcohol can be drastic can develop drastic causes of cancer in the body. If you are consuming tobacco on a daily basis then it could have extreme bad results on your body. Therefore, leave it as soon as possible since prevention is better than cure.
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