Kneecap Dislocation

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    Kneecap Dislocation

    Kneecap Dislocation

    This is an injury of the knee that is caused by a direct blow or a sudden twist of one's leg, making the patella to slip out of its normal position in the patellofemoral groove leading to intense pain with effusion. This dislocation usually occurs toward the outside of a person's leg.


    Kneecap or patella dislocation is commonly seen in women and often occurs after an abrupt change in direction when the leg is planted, putting the kneecap under some strain. Comparatively, the dislocation may occur due to a direct trauma to the knee when the patella is dislocated, it may slip sideways to the external side of the knee.

    Signs and symptoms

    The knee will appear as distorted, bent and cannot be straightened, the kneecap dislocates to the outside of the victim's knee, knee pain including tenderness, knee swelling and one can easily move his or her kneecap too much from right to left. During the first few times when this occurs, one is likely to feel pain and be unable to walk. However, if dislocations occur continuously and are left untreated there may be a feeling of reduced pain and such and individual will have less immediate disability. This should nonetheless be a reason to avoid treatment as kneecap dislocation may damage a person's knee joint.


    Use appropriate skills while doing exercise or during sports, keeping the knee strong and flexible. Exercises ought to strengthen ones quadriceps muscles. Tight and strong lateral quadriceps may be a trigger of patellar dislocation thus; it is advisable to strengthen the medial quadriceps, stretch the lateral muscle and vastus medialis. Such exercises include squats and lunges. Besides, one should add extra support around his knee by use of devices like knee braces and athletic tape to prevent patellar dislocation and other knee related injuries. They work to provide movement in only the desired planes thus assist in hindering movements that may cause abnormal movements and injuries to the leg.

    Women who regularly wear high heels often develop short calf muscles and tendons. Make sure you wear stiletto heels as infrequently as possible as frequent use is linked to various forms of ankle, leg and knee injuries. Wear proper-fitting shoes with insoles if you experience foot problems resulting from frequent use of improper footwear.

    Daily exercises are highly recommended to stretch and strengthen calf muscles. Other cases of knee dislocation are preventable particularly if the likelihood of one getting the dislocation is due to physical factors.


    Treating kneecap dislocation involves either surgery or rehabilitation and physical therapy. However, general practitioners do not usually recommend surgery for young people as it may impede the normal structural growth of the knee and risks of complications like unfavorable reaction to an infection or anesthesia.

    Rehabilitation program is determined by associated injuries which may include chipped bones or tears in the soft tissue. Doctors take into consideration the victim's age, level of activity, and the time required to return to work. Surgery is therefore recommended only when other knee structures have sustained severe damage or when there is prolonged gross instability, simultaneous osteochondral injury and high athletic demands with mechanical risk factors.

    Risk factors

    An individual with lateral patellar compression syndrome is at high chances of developing patellar dislocation. This can be caused due to lack of balance or irritation in the joints. The kneecap pathophysiology is often multifaceted therefore; it deals with irregularities contained in the patellofemoral channel. The patellar signs and symptoms thus, cause knee extensor dysplasia and susceptible tiny disparities that affect the muscular mechanism managing the movements of the joint.

