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Must-Know Facts about Wounds and Injuries

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Five Must-Know Facts about Wounds and Injuries

Wounds and injuries are caused by external factors and are physiological in nature. However, there could be hidden wounds too. We can either relate to them as being psychological or not being externally caused.


There are a few factors that one must be very sure of and have the knowledge regarding them. All wounds and injuries are not the same. There are various kinds of wounds e.g. skin tear, open wound, abrasion, contusions, perforating wounds, etc., and so are the different injuries like the penetrating injury or mild to moderate fractures. Therefore, their healing process is also different. Following are the most common must know facts about wounds and injuries:

1.       Know the Consequences of not Treating the Wound
Always make sure that you are aware about the seriousness of the wound or injury you have suffered. Not all injuries have same symptoms or physiology. Never forget to clean your wounds immediately for they may become infected or contaminated. Small wounds should be cleaned at home but when it comes to open bleeding wounds, do not hesitate to seek doctor's help. Similarly, fractures can be mild to serious. A slight twist of the feet or ankles may cause a little pressure or pain but they might turn into serious issues of lesion fragmentation. Do not hesitate or delay medical attention.

2.       Pain is Significant for Assessment
Pain is a significant measurement for the assessment of any kind of injury or wound. Make sure to state the type and amount of pain you are going through. Skin experts and nurses always make sure to assess the kind (pressure) and the source of pain the patient is experiencing. Similarly, if you vomit or suspect internal bleeding in an injury, never delay medical help. People who have taken medical assistant courses can accurately assess the extent of the wound. It is recommended that you get an online medical assistance courses which will help you understand the wound and injuries in a better way.
3.       Growth and Development Must be Monitored
Always monitor the progress of your wound or injury. A slight paper cut can be healed at home by cleaning and bandaging, but a wound that is bleeding wide open and reverses to its original state time to time requires proper medical attention. Do not take the slow healing of your wound lightly. Swelling is also a sign of internal injury, do not ignore it.
4.       Depth and Color of the Injury
How deep is the wound? Is it bleeding too much? Never clean deep and severely bleeding wounds. Leave it open for your doctor to take care of. Depth of wound indicates the seriousness of injury and also the healing time and process. Never remove bandages to see how your wound is doing down there! Deep open wounds are a breeding place for bacteria to travel inside the skin. Color of the wound is another aspect one should be very careful of. Purplish or greenish wounds and scars are the indications of pus.

5.       Psychology and Aging
We often wonder how psychology is involved in wounds and injuries, but why not? We all know that every accident is not the same. Some wounds and injuries leave the affected mentally unwell. They cause the individual to lose their independence and lead to low self-esteem. It alters their self-image and restricts their life style as well. Family members and the injured individual should not feel shy to seek psychological help if the wounds are ugly and are causing cognitive impairment. Young individuals are affected the most due to the limitations an injury puts on them. Older people who suffer from injuries heal very slowly.
Although there are many factors that are very important to keep in mind regarding the kinds of injuries or wounds experienced by an individual, but the most basic and well-known have been described above. You need to be very careful and gain medical attention immediately when it comes to the seriousness of the injury.