Home Life Style New genome analysis technique increases the rate of pregnancy success after IVF

New genome analysis technique increases the rate of pregnancy success after IVF

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New genome analysis technique increases the rate of pregnancy success after IVF

Researchers at the University of Oxford have announced that the first birth in which was applied for the first time “next generation sequencing”, has been successfully achieved. NGS, next generation sequencing, is a promising analytical technique for the diagnosis of genetic mutations, chromosomal abnormalities and mitochondrial disorders. Dr Wells, who led the international research team behind the study, said the next generation sequencing offers an unprecedented view into the biology of embryos.

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IVF is the only solution for infertile couples who want to have children. However,there may be necessary several attempts in order to obtain a viable pregnancy. Identification of the embryos remains the most difficult part because only 30% of embryos selected for transfer become implanted in the uterus. Researchers do not know why the failure rate is so high but it is assumed that genetic defects and chromosomal abnormalities are the cause. To increase the success rate of IVF, scientists have created various screening methods to detect the most viable embryos, but the randomized clinical trials have shown that these techniques have many disadvantages.



It seems that the new NGS shows no disadvantages of previous screening. First, NGS provides complete information about possible chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to miscarriage, and can simultaneously detect genetic mutations. Second, another advantage is that the NTSB analysis is more rapidly, it takes about 16 hours, which means it is no longer necessary freezing the embryo while waiting the results. In addition, it reduces the cost of the screening test of the embryos, which is currently quite expensive.

To see which is the accuracy and predictability of NGS in screening embryos, the researchers made a study on embryos and the results have been validated on many multiple cells from cell-lines with known mitochondrial DNA mutations, chromosomal abnormalities and genetic mutations. After demonstrated the accuracy of the procedure, the researchers applied clinically the method on samples of cells harvested from 7 blastocyst (five-day-old embryo) from two couples  undergoing IVF.

NGS analysis identified 3 respectively 2 healthy embryos, and, based on these results, researchers performed single embryo transfers that resulted in healthy pregnancies in both cases. The first pregnancy ended with delivery of a healthy boy  in June. Dr. Wells said that many of the embryos produced during infertility treatments had no chance to become babies because of lethal genetic mutations. Next generation sequencing improves the ability to identify these abnormalities and to detect embryos with the best chance of producing a viable pregnancy.